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International Week 2020: Eröffnungsveranstaltung
aktualisiert am 13.10.2020 um 14:07Diskutant*innen waren Leigh Turner, Botschafter des Vereinigten Königreichs in Österreich, Martin Gilbert, Direktor des British Council in Österreich, Prof. Bornstein (TU Dresden, King's College London) sowie Prof. Kristin De Troyer (Alttestamentliche Bibelwissenschaft) und Prof. Andreas Lang (Geographie und Geologie) von der PLUS.
The opening event of the International Week 2020 was held in the Bibliotheksaula on the 12th October.
In this context, a panel discussion moderated by Rector Lehnert offered exciting insights into the topic "Brexit and its effects on Austrian universities".
Panellists were Leigh Turner, Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Austria, Martin Gilbert, Director of the British Council in Austria, Prof. Bornstein (TU Dresden, King's College London) as well as Prof. Kristin De Troyer (Old Testament Bible Studies) and Prof. Andreas Lang (Geography and Geology) from the PLUS.

- Länge: 06:34

- Länge: 08:44

Vorstellung des Projektes transCampus der TU Dresden
- Länge: 25:32

Hochschulen und post-Brexit
- Länge: 42:13