aktualisiert am 09.02.2023 um 11:16The welcome address by Zoe Lefkofridis and Rachel Weston-Eschenbacher's (UN Women) keynote was followed by a Roundtable about "Challenges to gender equality in the public sphere: politics, labor market, and education" with Andrea Klambauer (Land Salzburg), Anna Schiester (Stadt Salzburg), Sabine Veits-Falk (Stadtarchiv), Martin Weiss (Salzburg Global Seminar).
Moderation: Dzeneta Karabegovic (PLUS)
Alle Videos dieses Beitrags nacheinander abspielen
Zoe Lefkofridi (Coordinator/PI. PLUS)
- Länge: 05:48
Rachel Weston-Eschenbacher (UN Women)
- Länge: 25:17
Rachel Weston-Eschenbacher (UN Women)
Q & A
- Länge: 09:31
Roundtable - Introduction
Roundtable "Challenges to gender equality in the public sphere: politics, labor market, and education"
- Länge: 06:28
Roundtable - Gender and Democracy
Roundtable "Challenges to gender equality in the public sphere: politics, labor market, and education"
- Länge: 20:16
Roundtable - International vs. Local Context
Roundtable "Challenges to gender equality in the public sphere: politics, labor market, and education"
- Länge: 24:08
Roundtable Diskussion
Roundtable "Challenges to gender equality in the public sphere: politics, labor market, and education"
- Länge: 08:13
Rector Hendrik Lehnert (PLUS)
Concluding Remarks
- Länge: 06:05